1 Day
Non Native English Speakers
What is the Jigsaw Discovery Tool
In order to successfully influence others in their thoughts feelings and actions, we need to be able to understand how those people naturally communicate. A hundred years of research in both psychology and neuroscience have shown us that, in its simplest form, human behvaiour can be categorised into four core areas. We all have the ability to operate in any of these four areas but we all tend to have a preference for one or two of them.
To influence someone effectively, you have to speak to them in a way that resonates with how they see the world.
Just like writing, you have a natural preference to use one hand over the other, yet when asked to use the opposite hand we can do it. The result won't be as good, it will take longer and certainly, we'll need to concentrate more but we can get a result. With application and practice writing with our 'weaker' hand will become less of a challenge and although we will always naturally favour our 'stronger' hand, we can effectively use the other.
The same is true of behavioural preferences, once we understand what our 'stronger' and 'weaker' characteristics are we can learn to recognise someone else's preference and shift our behaviour to match their preferences instead of our own and in turn, influence their thoughts and behaviours.
So, it is no longer "Treat people how YOU want to be treated", it is "Treat people how THEY want to be treated."
The Jigsaw Discovery Tool is a tactile, experiential way of learning and can be used to help develop individuals and teams to improve areas including:
- Communication
- Team Spirit
- Leadership
- Sales
- Customer Service
- Overall Individual and Business Performance